This quarterly literary journal welcomes work from writers around the world in all stages of their writing career. Each issue includes a separate space for writers to share tributes in creative nonfiction.
If you have a tribute essay, open letter, or other CNF piece, send it in! Let us help you honor that subject.
Please try to refrain from sending us abuse and suicide topics.
Recovery pieces are welcome!
OPEN CALL through February 20
Tributes are separate from the theme; they can be for, to, or about anything you want. We've published odes, open letters, personal essays, recipe stories and other creative nonfiction styles in this section since WayWords opened in 2020.
Submissions must be in English and include the required Title Information (below).
up to 5,000 words of creative nonfiction
Keep formatting professional, please: readable font, empty lines for scene breaks, empty margins, etc. You can find recommended settings on the Submissions page​.
Title Information
Please add the following to the top left of your document body (not in the header margin):
Name or Pseudonym, email
Piece Title
Word or Line Count
If your submission was previously published, please credit your publisher below your word/line count.
Accepted file types: .doc, .docx, .odt
Submissions accepted via email (submissions [at] writersworkout.net) OR Dropbox OR Duosuma.
Live, unlocked Google Docs or Microsoft Word links are accepted via email.
We must be able to download your file. We will not request access and we are not responsible for locked docs.
Please be sure your Title Information includes the word "Tribute" on the third line.
If using Duosuma, please use the special TRIBUTE call.
The Writer's Workout will not review fanfiction, religious, political, erotic, or AI-generated/assisted/copied content.
​The Writer's Workout requests one-time, non-exclusive serial rights with worldwide distribution. We will not retain rights to republish your work in an additional collection.
We accept simultaneous submissions, previously published works, and you retain the right to submit your work elsewhere after we publish it.
AI Statement
Works published by The Writer's Workout are for entertainment purposes. These publications should not be used in whole or part for content mills, reproduced without written approval, or for training Artificial Intelligence. Humans work very hard to produce the creative works featured in our publications; they deserve our respect.
If you need to withdraw, please let us know.
This literary journal is published in digital and print. Contributors receive a digital contributor copy. The Writer's Workout is a registered nonprofit organization run by volunteers.
​ ​
Read our interview on Six Questions For...!
Issue Info
Check the status of recent, current, and upcoming issues.
Issue 16: Flash Fiction
This issue is available in digital and print. See below for links.
Issue 17: Kindness
in edits
We contacted all submitters by Jan 16.
Issue 18: Kids Write!
January 1 -
February 20
Must be under 18 to submit
Recently published:
Issue 16: Flash Fiction
This issue features the collected works of Juliette Beauchamp, Anthony Boulanger, Steve Brady, Emily Brown, Peter C. Conrad, Brianne Ritchie Córdova, Sarah Das Gupta, Doug Hawley, Shera Hill, Shirlee Jellum, Carella Keil, Cheryl King, Anne-Marie Kofoed, K. L. Mill, Caleb Mora, Mario Moussa, James B. Nicola, Bud Pharo, M.R. Lehman Wiens, and Lynda Wilde
Stats and Info:
Published 400+ pieces & counting!
On average, WayWords publishes 42% of submissions received. This journal rarely solicits specific authors for work; everything we publish comes from open calls. We accept unagented submissions.
​Submission to WayWords will always be free. WayWords is published in digital and print; contributors receive a digital contributor copy. Learn how to claim your authorship on Amazon here.
Check our FAQ for more information.
WayWords is published in digital and print.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit run entirely by volunteers.
Your submission is a charitable donation; we appreciate your support!