This themed anthology welcomes fiction and poetry from writers around the world. Open calls run April to September and include larger word and line count ranges than our literary journal.
Editors for this anthology change depending on theme and availability (we're volunteers). On average, Tales publishes 32% of submissions received.
Submission to Tales will always be free. Tales is published in digital and print; contributors receive a digital contributor copy. Learn how to claim your authorship here.
Annual open calls from March to September. The Writer's Workout accepts submissions via email, Dropbox, and Duosuma.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit run by volunteers.
We provide accessible, free creative writing education through competitions, workshops, and publication opportunities. Check our donations page to learn more about how The Writer's Workout strengthens the global writing community.

Tales from the Unknown
Editor's Tip: From the abyss to the great beyond to the other side of the wall, an unknown place is ripe for adventure. The unknown is so much more than a place, too—we don't know what we don't know, nor do we know why, how, or when.
Edited by Theresa Green
Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and freelance editor and book coach at Premier Literary Services.
Theresa is looking for well-developed concepts, inviting storytelling, clear description, and an occasional laugh to break the tension. Genre is yours to play with*. Pieces will be reviewed and writers contacted in the order received. If your work is declined, you're welcome to submit something new before the deadline.
This anthology is OPEN to fiction and poetry through September 15.
Submissions must be in English and include the required Title Information.
Try to keep your submission under...
7,500 words for fiction (1 per person)
50 lines for poetry (2 per person)
Times New Roman or Arial, size 10 or 12, single spaced
Indented paragraphs except for poetry
Empty margins on all four sides
Empty line for scene breaks
Tip: Keep your formatting simple!
Remember, you're formatting for review, not for publication. Don't hide your gorgeous prose behind stylized asterisks and flourishes.
Please do not send artwork or creative nonfiction.
Title Information
Entries must include this Title Information in this order at the top of the document body, aligned left:
Name or Pseudonym, email
Entry Title
Word or Line Count
If your submission was previously published, please cite your success below your word/line count.​
Accepted file types: .doc, .docx, .odt
Submit via email OR Dropbox OR Duosuma.
Live, unlocked Google Docs or Microsoft Word links are accepted via email (submissions [at] writersworkout.net). Set your document permissions to "anyone with the link" so we can download it. We will not request access and we are not responsible for locked docs.
*The Writer's Workout will reject fanfiction, religious, political, erotic, or AI-generated content.
The Writer's Workout requests one-time, non-exclusive serial rights with worldwide distribution. We will not retain rights to republish a work in an additional collection.
We accept simultaneous submissions, previously published works, and you retain the right to submit your work elsewhere after we publish it.
AI Statement
Works published by The Writer's Workout are for entertainment purposes. These publications should not be used in whole or part for content mills, reproduced without written approval, or for training Artificial Intelligence. Humans work very hard to produce the creative works featured in our publications; they deserve our respect.
If you need to withdraw, please let us know.
This anthology is published in digital and print. Accepted authors will receive a digital contributor copy. The Writer's Workout is a registered nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Unknown benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Recently published:
No. 1 in New Releases!
Tales from the Kitchen
For much of recorded history, the kitchen has been the center—the heart—of the home. Food can bring people together or tear them apart. Important conversations happen around the kitchen table, kids learn self-sufficiency, and traditions begin in this space.
Featuring the collected works of Marie Anderson, Juliette Beauchamp, Carson Calkins, Roger Chapman, Sally Chin, Brianna Condon, Suzanna C. de Baca, Steve Denehan, Wendy Eiben, Alexandria Faulkenbury, James Fitzsimmons, Diane Funston, Taty Guedes, Ange Hardenburg, Paul Hostovsky, Lorraine Jeffery, B. Fulton Jennes, Joseph S. Klapach, Anne-Marie Kofoed, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, Lis Maestrelo, Joan Mazza, Jay McKenzie, Abigail Michelini, Glenis Moore, Jiang Pu, Clare Roberts, Lianne Robinson, M.S. Rooney, Bud Sabelhaus, Bea Sage, Sabrina Scanlan, Sara Sheldrake, Katie Thorn, and J. M. Williams
Edited by Theresa Green
Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a freelance developmental editor at Premier Literary Services.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Kitchen benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Other anthologies in the Tales series:
Tales of the Strange
This anthology asked writers to explore the beautifully weird, the slightly off, and the unusual. Break free from the norm to investigate the strange!
Featuring the collected works of Warren Benedetto, Bhupin Butaney, Stephanie Daich, Steve Denehan, Richard R. DiPirro, Frank William Finney, Rosie Garland, Lori Graham, SV Hirons, Gavin Kayner, Martin Kearns, Stephen Kingsnorth, Margaux LeSourd, Claire Massey, Ariel K. Moniz, Glenis Ann Moore, John Mueter, Seth Pilevsky, Julia Platt, Sithia Queen, Rod Raglin, S.E. Reed, Christine Maree Reid, MM Schreier, Kathy Sherwood, David Sheskin, H.E. Shippas, M.R. Lehman Wiens, and Nick Young
Edited by Theresa Green
Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a freelance developmental editor at Premier Literary Services.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales of the Strange benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Tales from the Deep
Exploring the deepest oceans, you never know what you might find. This anthology asked writers to dig into the dark recesses of physical, emotional, and aquatic depth and explore what's hidden.
Featuring the collected works of John Bartell, Clarissa Cervantes, Daphne Fauber, Elizabeth Gabel, Janet Guastavino, T. K. Howell, Ann Howells, A.J. Huffman, Rachel Loughlin, Ruth Marie-Clair, Claire Massey, Megan Denese Mealor, David Milley, Sharon Mitchell, James Mulhern, James B. Nicola, Trish Tyler, Jennifer Weigel, and Charlotte Young
Edited by Theresa Green
Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a freelance developmental editor at Premier Literary Services.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Deep benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Tales from the Other Side
Whether it's surviving a difficult time or seeing the world from someone else's perspective, we can never fully predict what it's like from the other side. This anthology examines what was, what is, and what could be.
Featuring the collected works of Michael Cooney, Maid Corbic, Oriada Dajko, Paige Foster, Maryanne Frederick, JB Hansen, Mark Andrew Heathcote, A.B. Kelly, Matt J. McGee, Jessica Morris-Reade, S.E. Reed, Srivalli Rekha, Val Vickers, and Liza Wolff-Francis
Edited by:
Theresa Green
Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a freelance developmental editor at Premier Literary Services.
Sofie Leggett
Sofie is a current college student studying creative writing, Spanish, and music. She enjoys playing instruments, hanging out with her dogs, making art, watching TV, and of course, reading and writing. The historical fiction and mystery genres are her current favorites, but she likes to experiment in every genre of writing. While her current experience is limited to short stories and poetry, in the future, Sofie hopes to expand her horizons by working in different types of media such as television and video games.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Other Side benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Tales from the Toybox
Sometimes the best stories revolve around a child's favorite toy. Adventures and lessons are best learned when we don't know we're learning at all.
Children's fiction has so much to teach adults about life, love, and the joy of exploration. Pull up a comfy seat, these tales will make you laugh, cry, and remember what it's like to love your toybox!
Featuring the collected works of Becca Smith Bachlott, Nellie Batz, Claire Marie Binkley, Linda M. Crate, Katie Evans, Adrienne Fraser, H. M. Gooden, Amy Hickman, Anushree Jagtap, Rachel Kolodziej, Stacey Lobo, Srivalli Rekha, E.E. Suchowolec, Irina Tyunina, and Suzanne Wdowik
Edited by Leigh Davis
Leigh enjoys a wide range of fiction and helping others achieve their publishing goals.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Toybox benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
Tales from the Cliff
A story doesn’t always have to end with a character completing their journey. Often, a story can end with suspense and uncertainty.
Cliffhangers, love them or hate them, are a huge part of literary tradition. Usually, there's a resolution in the sequel, but what if there isn't? Take a look inside and find out what happens when a finished tale ends in cliffhanger!
Featuring the collected works of Helen Bradley, EJ Fowler, Carrie Houghton, Jessica Morris-Reade, Jennifer Palmer, Srivalli Rekha, MM Schreier, E.E. Suchowolec, Hannah Taylor, and Shanan Winters
Edited by Leigh Davis
Leigh enjoys a wide range of fiction and helping others achieve their publishing goals.
The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.
Proceeds from the sale of Tales from the Cliff benefit The Writer's Workout, providing the means to produce competitions, publications, and other group activities. Your submission to this anthology is a donation to help writers of all genres around the world. The Writer's Workout appreciates your time, generosity, and talent.
Contributors receive a digital contributor copy.
The Writer's Workout will reject fanfiction, religious, political, or erotic content.
There is no place for AI-generated content here.
​The Writer's Workout requests one-time, non-exclusive serial rights with worldwide distribution. We will not retain rights to republish a work in an additional collection.
We accept simultaneous submissions, previously published works, and you retain the right to submit your work elsewhere after we publish it.
AI Statement
Works published by The Writer's Workout are for entertainment purposes. These publications should not be used in whole or part for content mills, reproduced without written approval, or for training Artificial Intelligence. Humans work very hard to produce the creative works featured in our publications; they deserve our respect.
If you need to withdraw, please let us know.
This anthology series is published in digital and print. Contributors receive a digital contributor copy. The Writer's Workout is a registered nonprofit organization run by volunteers.
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