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No matter where you send your work, your formatting is the first thing reviewers see. It could mean the difference between publication and the dreaded form rejection letter.


The Writer's Workout accepts submissions formatted to industry standard: Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) with slight alterations, depending on when they last updated their system. This page shows the general submissions guide for all calls at The Writer's Workout. Each call page includes the same information you see here with the specific Title Information filled in for that call. 


We love providing lots of options to help you release your work into the world. We sometimes run up to four separate opportunities at a time; each with a different reading team. Your attention to guidelines not only helps you be seen, it helps us find you.


Information about rights, simultaneous submissions, and previously published works vary by call.


Our calendar is packed with various calls and opportunities. 

Find our publication FAQ here.



Love writing?

Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates for our open calls, mini-courses, and competitions.


The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit run by volunteers.

We provide accessible, free  creative writing education through competitions, workshops, and publication opportunities. Check our donations page to learn more about how The Writer's Workout strengthens the global writing community. 



The Writer's Workout accepts .doc, .docx, and .odt

Live, unlocked Google Docs or Microsoft Word links are accepted via email. We must be able to download your file. We will not request access and we are not responsible for locked docs.


All submissions accepted via email (submissions [at] and Dropbox (link varies). Most submissions also accepted via Duosuma, where linked. 

Rights, simultaneous submissions, and previously published works vary by call. Please check the call page for details.

Writer's Games participants will find specific guidelines on the Games page



If you have questions about the submission guidelines that are not answered here, please contact us.

We do not accept .pdf files, submissions pasted into the body of the email, or the Shunn method, for your protection.

We do not accept fanfiction, religious, political, erotic, or AI-generated content for any call.



General Formatting

All submissions must be in English.

Begin your document body with your Title Information (below), add a blank line or two, then begin your entry.


Recommended settings: 

Times New Roman or Arial, size 10 or 12, single spaced

Indented paragraphs except for poetry

Empty margins on all four sides (no page numbers or Title Info in the header, please!)

One empty line for scene breaks



Title Information

Proper Title Information is required for all submissions to ensure your piece reaches the correct reading team. It should be in the order listed, at the top of your document body, aligned left.

Please do not add your Title Information to the header margin or to your email.


Name or Pseudonym, email address

Entry Title

[Call Name]

Word or Line Count 





For your convenience, The Writer's Workout has created a sample title for a WayWords submission:


Edgar Allan Poe,

The Tell-Tale Heart

WayWords: Guilt





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