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Prompt series are lists of connected prompts designed to help you build a plot and stay interested throughout your project. Series like these allow you to shuffle the order of your plot points, pace yourself with one scene or chapter at a time, and challenge yourself to try new things. 


These series are also great if you're trying a novel-in-a-month writing challenge but struggling with ideas. The novel series are 30 prompts each! 


Most of these prompt series can accommodate any genre but we've listed some suggestions where applicable. 


We're constantly adding new prompts, series, and ways to challenge yourself with writing. If you want to contribute a series, reach out!



If you're looking for short story, standalone, or extra challenging prompts, click here.​​





This page is open to any writer, anywhere. Anyone may use these prompts for their own purposes. 


Please credit The Writer's Workout if one of our prompts/series inspired a piece you publish. 


Better Writer subscribers may submit their creations as their monthly feedback option.


We update this page as often as possible. 

Good luck, writer!



Series Prompts: Novelettes & Novellas

Novelettes and novellas are that in-between length: longer than a short story, shorter than a novel. These works typically range between 10-25 thousand words for novelettes and 25-55 thousand for novellas. 


For an added challenge, prompts in this section include a suggested Core Concept for fiction and target emotion for poetry. 


Each prompt in the series is designed to inspire a scene or small section of a longer work. The prompts fit together in various orders to create a unique story each time. Each prompt in the series is numbered so it's easier to keep track of what you've done. You're welcome to use these series to create your own original fiction work. Please credit The Writer's Workout when sharing your new piece.


Links open a Google Doc; genre definitions are just suggestions. 



Series 1: Drama


Series 2: Noir


Series 3: Romance



If you're looking for short story prompts, click here.




Series Prompts: Novels

Novels typically start around 55 thousand words. Most novel series prompts are designed to suit a range of genres. Each prompt in the series is numbered so it's easier to keep track of what you've done. You're welcome to use these series to create your own original fiction work. Please credit The Writer's Workout when sharing your new piece.


Links open a Google Doc. 



Series 1

This series includes three major characters (A, B, and C) and two minor characters (D and E).

This series was created in part by the 2019 Fall Internship program.


Series 2

This series includes three major characters (A, B, and C) and five minor characters (D, E, and others).


Series 3

This series includes four major characters (A, B, C, and D).



If you're looking for short story prompts, click here.




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