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Sunday Evening Post, Iss. 25

Theresa Green

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

I don’t know what I did this week. I know I’m still tired and most of my list is crossed through but as to what, specifically, I accomplished this week aside from getting all six Event announcements mostly complete, training our new Challenge Coordinator, emails, and… probably a host of other things that weren’t even on the list? Not a clue.

We added a couple more new Events to the public Writer’s Games list. The private list of ideas we’re working on looks like we didn’t make a dent in it. I guess that’s a good thing: it means we’re still interested and emotionally invested. I’m just tired and the “hard work” section of Games hasn’t even started yet for this portion. Speaking of which, I was able to make a TON more space available on the score sheet so if you’re a writer who wants a challenge and loves feedback on your writing, you can register for Portion 2 of the Games here: It’s free.

As for my continued struggle to do words... what even are they? What is language? I have an idea for the current Mock Event. I never have time to think of things until after the announcements go live. There’s something so much more inspiring about seeing a post go live than the paragraph itself just two minutes prior. At that point, it’s just a paragraph but seeing it published is a singular, inspiring moment. Everyone’s encouraged to look at the list, generate ideas, and make notes in advance but the announcement itself might slightly alter the wording and change whether the pre-idea will work. I think this idea will.

So I have the idea, the motivation, and the time. What am I waiting for, I should be writing right now. Write. Right now. Do it.


Fiction projects: 1

Fiction words this week: 250


About the author: Theresa Green is the co-founder of The Writer's Workout and a

crime fiction writer.


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