The 2025 Writer's Workout Conference is a whole week of fully accessible, free video workshops available for you on our YouTube channel. Find the full conference playlist below and on our Conference page.
We learned a lot from last year's whirlwind weekend conference. This year, videos start every other hour so you have more time to pause, rewatch, reflect, and try some of the tips, plus chat with presenters and attendees at our watch party in Discord and enter to win a guaranteed space at this year's Writer's Games! Details on the conference page.

Wednesday, March 18
Care H. Knyght
9 am Eastern (1 pm UTC)
Fantasy author C. H. Knyght discusses how immersive settings and character relationships can strengthen your worldbuilding, and how to engage the reader with these simple tricks. Take a deeper look at overall character development: using showing instead of telling to build up a character and their world.
Robin Alvarez
11 am Eastern (3 pm UTC)
YA Author Robin Alvarez explains why networking is so important; she offers advice on how to leverage networking both online and in-person to your advantage, including building trust, active engagement, and collaborative interaction. You won’t be scared to make new friends and acquaintances after learning these helpful tips!
Deb Lerew
1 pm Eastern (5 pm UTC)
Series author and teacher Deb Lerew shares lots of tips for how to promote your books by engaging with your readers, rather than the scary “public reading”. From suggestions like author tables at topic-related stores to signings and community market stalls to conference presentations, this video is a must-watch for any introvert struggling to sell their books.
This presentation comes with a worksheet available on our conference page.
E.L. Johnson
3 pm Eastern (7 pm UTC)
As most authors know, the beginning and ending are easy to write, it’s making sure the story and character arcs develop in the middle that are the hardest. Prolific historical fiction author E.L. Johnson shares her tips and methods for writing through the difficult and often saggy, murky middle part of a story using tools you can apply to any length piece.
Andie Smith
5 pm Eastern (9 pm UTC)
Literary agent, author, and editor Andie Smith walks you through the process of preparing your manuscript (and yourself!) for submission. This video includes the steps in the submission process, a preparation checklist, cover letters, examples, and why all of these steps are important to your project’s future.
Thursday, March 20
Tim J. McKay
11 am Eastern (3 pm UTC)
Writer, editor, and writing professor Tim McKay explains the process of copywork and how it can improve your writing, marketing, and creative energy. He shares a personal story about retyping a 170K word book (word for word) during his final editing pass, and how editing or reading for other authors can quickly improve your skills.
Amy Nielsen
1 pm Eastern (5 pm UTC)
Literary Agent and author Amy Nielsen discusses steps and tips in the process of publishing picture books: from the types of picture books, developing your idea, through your pitch, to holding your published book in your hands (and every step in between). Understand what it takes to become a successful picture book author.
Wendy Van Camp
3 pm Eastern (7 pm UTC)
Poet Laureate Emerita Wendy Van Camp explores the use of poetry writing concepts to enhance science fiction novel writing. She emphasizes the importance of language in effective storytelling and her own personal journey as a poet, plus six poetry concepts that can help writers infuse their prose with deeper meaning, voice, tone, rhythm and meter, sound devices and word choice. While the talk is themed to science fiction, these tips can apply to any form of prose writing.
Leah Simmons
5 pm Eastern (9 pm UTC)
Screenwriter Leah Simmons shares her best advice on how to turn your novel or short story into a screenplay. This video includes tips on intentionality, trailer moments, and the importance of finishing your draft, plus great words of caution and things to avoid.
This presentation comes with a worksheet available on our conference page.
These workshops have been carefully and lovingly created—and donated—to help you be a better writer. Watch them as many times as you want, share them with friends, and grow your craft! We'll see you at our watch party in Discord!
<3 — S.E. & Theresa
About the authors:
S.E. Reed lives in the south and writes strange, haunting, real stories of people and places along old highways. Winner of the 2023 Florida Book Awards, the 2024 Paterson Prize for Books for Young People, and a finalist in the 2024 Book Blogger Novel of the Year Award. Additionally, she's been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, the Indie Ink Awards, and won honorable mention twice in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest. Her short stories have been featured by The Writer's Workout, SEMO Press, Parhelion Lit, Adimverse, The Writers’ Co-op, Wild Ink Publishing, Hey Hey Books, and Tempered Rune's Press.
Theresa Green is a co-founder of The Writer’s Workout, a crime fiction writer, and an editor and book coach at Premier Literary Services. Her work is published in various anthologies and literary magazines under a pseudonym.