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Conference, Days 1 & 2

The Writer's Workout

The 2025 Writer's Workout Conference is a whole week of fully accessible, free video workshops available for you on our YouTube channel. Find the full conference playlist below and on our Conference page.

We learned a lot from last year's whirlwind weekend conference. This year, videos start every other hour so you have more time to pause, rewatch, reflect, and try some of the tips, plus chat with presenters and attendees at our watch party in Discord and enter to win a guaranteed space at this year's Writer's Games! Details on the conference page.

'25 conference promo image; sticky notes with drawn lightbulbs

Monday, March 17

Benjamin Ryan

11 am Eastern (3 pm UTC)

Join multi-award-winning author Benjamin Ryan as he reveals powerful, science-backed techniques to supercharge your writing process. Learn how to train your synapses to maximize creative flow, organize multiple ideas, and effortlessly complete a novel faster and with greater efficiency than before.

Unlock the secrets of your brain’s creative function to become an author who writes smarter, not harder!

Taylor Grothe

1 pm Eastern (5 pm UTC)

Author Taylor Grothe shares personal experiences to help you develop fleshed-out, realistic autistic characters and learn how to work with your neurodivergence. Taylor provides tips for outlining, character development, the writing environment, and how to prevent and deal with burnout. Learn what autism is and how its quirks contribute to the writing process.

Tenesha Curtis

3 pm Eastern (7 pm UTC)

Author and book production manager Tenesha Curtis shares her proven techniques on outlining your next (or current!) book. Tenesha’s step-by-step method will help you build a 3- or 9-point outline during this workshop, with places to pause and try the steps for yourself. She explains what an outline is and is not, dynamics of outlining, and different methods so you can find something that works for you. This is a must-watch presentation for anyone who “pants” and wants to learn to “plot” or “plants”.

This presentation comes with a worksheet available on our conference page.

Sumitra Singam

5 pm Eastern (9 pm UTC)

Psychiatrist, trauma therapist, and writer Sumitra Singam explains what happens to your body when you experience trauma, and when writing trauma. Follow a guided meditation to check in with yourself and learn the steps your brain and body go through in times of trauma and importantly, how to regulate back from that, plus a writing exercise to get you started. A MUST-SEE for anyone who loves “write what you know”.


Tuesday, March 18

Vanessa Montalban

9 am Eastern (1 pm UTC)

Vanessa shows you how to draw inspiration from your heritage to help bring your fictional worlds to life. Enrich your worlds and strengthen your worldbuilding skills through the traditions you learned as a kid. Your history is alive around you. Vanessa discusses why your personal experiences matter and how to apply those moments to your fiction so you can turn your real life into magic.

This presentation comes with a worksheet available on our conference page.

Rachael Clarke

11 am Eastern (3 pm UTC)

Journey with Rachael through her “story seeds” process to learn how to see and extract ideas anywhere: find the unique or extraordinary among the ordinary.

Join her as she deconstructs several images, providing real examples of her process in practice.

Sara Sudol

1 pm Eastern (5 pm UTC)

Sara breaks down the different types of editing and provides an overview of the copyediting process, plus some commonly used tools, tips, and techniques. She also walks you through her own process so you know what to expect when hiring and working with a copyeditor.

This presentation comes with a handout available on our conference page.

Sarah Bailey

3 pm Eastern (7 pm UTC)

In part 1 of this two-part series, editor Sarah Bailey discusses the types of AI and how each type can help or hurt your progress as a writer and a human. She provides a brief overview of what’s been happening with AI so far and the ethical and environmental questions this technology has raised in its construction, training, and use.

This presentation comes with a handout available by QR code at the end.

Sarah Bailey

5 pm Eastern (9 pm UTC)

In part 2 of this two-part series, editor Sarah Bailey goes deeper into the ethical implications of using AI for drafting, editing, and marketing to help you decide IF and HOW to use AI ethically.

This presentation comes with a handout available by QR code at the end.

These workshops have been carefully and lovingly created—and donated—to help you be a better writer. Watch them as many times as you want, share them with friends, and grow your craft! We'll see you at our watch party in Discord!

<3 — S.E. & Theresa


About the authors:

S.E. Reed lives in the south and writes strange, haunting, real stories of people and places along old highways. Winner of the 2023 Florida Book Awards, the 2024 Paterson Prize for Books for Young People, and a finalist in the 2024 Book Blogger Novel of the Year Award. Additionally, she's been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, the Indie Ink Awards, and won honorable mention twice in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest. Her short stories have been featured by The Writer's Workout, SEMO Press, Parhelion Lit, Adimverse, The Writers’ Co-op, Wild Ink Publishing, Hey Hey Books, and Tempered Rune's Press.

Theresa Green is a co-founder of The Writer’s Workout, a crime fiction writer, and an editor and book coach at Premier Literary Services. Her work is published in various anthologies and literary magazines under a pseudonym. 


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