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Book Review Survey: What Were Your Answers?

The Writer's Workout

We recently created a survey about book reviews, if you write them or read them, how they help readers and writers, and everything in between. We posted it on social media and in our monthly newsletter so we could reach all of you. And now we have the results! Let's take a look.

Do you read/write book reviews?

Review Writers: Do you review books you didn't finish or didn't like?

If you review books you didn't finish or didn't like, do you approach the review differently from books you enjoyed? If so, how?

What do you aim to achieve with a book review?

Where do you look for or post book reviews?

Please choose the publication umbrella that best fits the current status of your work.

Where do you find book reviews?

What qualities do you look for in a book review?

If you don't currently, have you ever considered writing book reviews?

What is preventing you from writing book reviews?

Published Authors: Do you read public reviews about your published works?

Why or why not?

Do you find public reviews about your work helpful?

Why or why not?

Describe how public book reviews affect the way you view your own work.

What's your opinion on the relationship between book reviews and book sales?

What do you wish book reviewers would do/include?

This Book Review Project aims to encourage readers to write more book reviews to help authors. Do you have anything else to add?


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