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Not your ordinary writing competition.


Registration for the 2025 Writer's Games will open May 1.

Space is limited and it fills up FAST. If registration is full, stay positive: we find a way to add some additional spaces each year!

If we're not able to fit you in this year, we'll save your space in 2026.



Click here to see this year's changes.


Countdown to Registration 2025



If you earned Priority Registration and can't find it, please login and check the Games tab for the Winner Circle page.

If you still can't find it, please email Theresa.



If it takes longer than a moment to load or you're on mobile,

click here.



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The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers.


Want to help? Donate here.

We appreciate your support! 




What people say about Writer's Games:



"The Writer’s Games is by far the best thing I’ve ever done to get back into writing. I was looking for an opportunity to write more often, and The Writer’s Games offered that and so much more."


This portion's sponsors:


Premier Literary Services Logo




Reedsy Parrot Logo


Check out what we do.

We appreciate your support! 


Submissions & Formatting

All entries must follow these submissions guidelines. During Games, we deduct points for incorrect formatting because many publications reject incorrectly formatted submissions. 


All Practice Event entries receive formatting notes to help you keep your points during scored Events.


  • Arial or Times New Roman, size 10 or 12pt, black

  • Single spaced

  • 1" empty margins on all four sides

  • 0.5" (12.7mm) or Tab indentations for all paragraphs

Please do not use the spacebar to indent

  • Empty line for scene breaks



Entries must include the proper Title Information at the start of the document, aligned left. Please do not add your Title Info to the top margin.


Name or Pseudonym

Title of Entry

Event Name 

Word Count



Entries without these four lines will be disqualified from the Event but the writer is still eligible to compete and win. Learn more about what this means on the Games FAQ. Please note the email address is not required for Writer's Games entries.



Accepted file types: .doc, .docx, .odt

Live, unlocked Google Docs or Microsoft Word links are accepted via email (submissions [at] Set your document permissions to "anyone with the link can [comment or edit]" so we can collect it. We will not request access and we are not responsible for locked docs.


Email entries to submissions [at]

OR use our DropBox.


The Writer's Workout is a global charity working to improve literacy through creative writing. We hold competitions, workshops, open calls, and discussions; provide motivation, tips, prompts, and giveaways; and offer a community rich in culture and skill. Check our donations page to learn more about how The Writer's Workout strengthens the writing community. 




Learn what it takes to produce one portion of The Writer's Games.


The Writer's Workout is a registered

501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

run by volunteers.

The idea for The Writer's Games (originally dubbed the NaNoGames) came from Heather Glomb. The first Games took place in May, 2014, with a goal to "just write". When the contest finished, writers wanted a stronger challenge and this organization was born.


Read about the first Games here.

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