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Universal elements help us measure and understand our surroundings. Join us through the month of February ('24) for Leapfest, a series of three surprise weekly challenges to test your perception of what is possible.


This competition is finished.

Feedback is available in your linked folder.

Scroll to see who won!



Leapfest Events begin on the cusp of Saturdays and end on the cusp of Tuesdays, UTC. Feedback is free, optional, and will be released after the conference in March. Find the Leapfest Rules below. Registration is full but you can try the challenges on your own.



Access the Leapfest Welcome Letter here.




The Writer's Workout is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit run by volunteers.

We provide accessible, free creative writing education through competitions, workshops, and publication opportunities. Check our donations page to learn more about how The Writer's Workout strengthens the global writing community. 



2024 Events & Winners



Leap Fest E1.png


Event 1: Quest


First Place: Charlie Rogers

Second Place: Lisa Short

Third Place: Dominique Goodall



Leapfest Event 2: Transhumanism


Event 2: Transhumanism


First Place: R.A. Clarke

Second Place: T.E. Fahlstedt

Third Place: MM Schreier



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Event 3: Countdown


First Place: Elizabeth Hakken Candido

Second Place: Ej Sidle

Third Place: Alyssa Beatty & Katie Ess



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Overall Winners

First Place: Charlie Rogers

Second Place: Elizabeth Hakken Candido

Third Place: R.A. Clarke

Fourth Place: Lisa Short

Fifth Place: Karen Mitani



Want to help? Donate here.

We appreciate your support! 



Share your journey with #wwleapfest



Join us on Discord or email Theresa



We reject religious, political, and erotic themes; fanfiction and AI-copied or generated content are not accepted.



We can only accept entries from registered participants.

Registration is closed for this competition.





Leapfest General Rules



  • Leapfest consists of three Events, each lasting 72 hours. Events are open to registered participants.

    • Events begin and end at midnight, UTC, on the cusp of Saturdays and Tuesdays, respectively.

  • Registration is required in advance. Registration opens January 15 and closes when all spaces are full.

    • Registration is free and open to all ages worldwide.

    • Registration space is limited by the number of volunteer judges.

  • Event announcements are available on the Leapfest page, Discord, and by email mailing list

    • Theresa is available on Discord to answer clarifying questions. ​

    • Please reserve identifying questions for Theresa's email or Discord DM for your anonymity.

  • Entries from registered participants are accepted before the Event deadline.

    • One entry per registered participant, per Event.

      • Registered participants may resubmit a corrected file before the Event deadline.

    • Entries must be in English, complete stories, and original works of fiction written during the 72 hours.

      • Entries including fanfiction, religion, politics, erotica, or AI-generated content are not accepted.

    • Entry information must be kept private for the duration of the competition, ending with the final overall winner announcement.

  • Submissions are accepted via email (submissions [at] or Dropbox.

    • Accepted file types include .doc, .docx, .odt.

    • Links to live, unlocked Google and Word docs are accepted via email.

      • The Writer’s Workout will not request access and is not responsible for locked docs.

    • Please keep formatting professional. Check our Submissions page for recommendations.

    • Submissions must include correct Title Information at the top left of the document body to be considered. All four margins must be empty.

      • Title Information must be in this order:

Name or Pseudonym, email

Entry Title

Leapfest Event Name

Word Count

  • Scoring is by expression of the Event’s Core Concepts, as specified in each Event announcement.

    • A participant’s Event score is the average of all judges’ scores for that entry.

    • A participant’s overall score is the sum of their Event scores.

    • Winners will be posted to the Leapfest page prior to the next Event.

    • Overall winners will be announced on Saturday, March 2, 2024.

  • During registration, participants may elect to receive feedback on their entries. Feedback will be delivered privately at the end of March.





The Writer's Workout requests you keep all information regarding your entries secret until after March 2, 2024. This is for your protection, to help you remain anonymous and prevent judgement bias. The Writer's Workout does not hold rights to your creations and will not publish Leapfest entries.






Volunteer Judges

These rockstars donated their time to create new challenges, judge, and critique your work for Leapfest to help you be a better writer. Leapfest would not be possible without them!



Emily Carrier 



Dominika Mejia

Former diplomat with a foothold on three continents, with passion for literature, especially short stories. When not reading, you can find her trying out recipes, cooking yummy stories and devouring her vast collection of cookbooks from all around the world.



Patti Procopi

Patti Gaustad Procopi is a former army brat who lived all over the world before settling in the rural community of Gloucester, Virginia. There she and her husband, Greg, raised three daughters and numerous cats and dogs.


Patti can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads and LinkedIn. Check out her website,



C.A. Raine

C.A. Raine (she/her) is an aspiring fiction writer living in the United Kingdom. When not immersed in her own imaginary worlds, she can be found wrestling with a variety of competition prompts or indulging in creating fanfic with her multitude of OTPs. She especially loves reading and writing in the Young Adult and New Adult genres.
Her archive of completed competition entries can be found here



Sara Winslow

Sara Winslow's short stories have been published in the literary magazine Sequoia Speaks and in Fabula Press’s Nivalis 2022 anthology. She has an essay appearing in Exsolutas Press’s Thriving anthology, scheduled for publication in March 2024. Recently, her entry was a runner-up in WOW-Women on Writing’s Fall 2023 Flash Fiction contest. Sara lives in San Francisco. When she’s not writing or reading, she enjoys experiencing live music with her partner, practicing and teaching yoga with friends, and exploring the outdoors with her two dogs.



Theresa Green

Theresa is a co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a freelance developmental editor at Premier Literary Services




Leap Fest E1 Quest.png


Event 1: Quest

First Place: Charlie Rogers

Second Place: Lisa Short

Third Place: Dominique Goodall



Travel a great distance to discover something vital. 


Core Concepts: backstory, character development


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Event 2: Transhumanism

First Place: R.A. Clarke

Second Place: T.E. Fahlstedt

Third Place: MM Schreier



In a race to be first, use any technology to win.


Core Concepts: description, foreshadowing


Leap Fest E3 Countdown.png


Event 3: Countdown

First Place: Elizabeth Hakken Candido

Second Place: Ej Sidle

Third Place: Alyssa Beatty & Katie Ess



Within 24 hours,

everything changes.


Core Concepts: pacing, perspective




2024 Overall Winners

First Place: Charlie Rogers

Second Place: Elizabeth Hakken Candido

Third Place: R.A. Clarke

Fourth Place: Lisa Short

Fifth Place: Karen Mitani



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